Jun 21Liked by Meaghan McIsaac

I have the same plant! He's also been through a lot (got deep fried when i brought him up to my dorm that didn't have ac. He has yet to recover...)

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Oh no! Poor delicate tradescantia nanouk. I hope yours pulls through!

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This is so funny and relatable. :) I love the images as well.

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Thank you so much!

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As a fellow plant mum I admire your determination to save your tradescantia! They are notoriously prone to many ailments but you got to the bottom of it, literally and figuratively!!

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Haha thank you. i ultimately failed but i'm thinking of buying another one to get it right this time!

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Jun 18Liked by Meaghan McIsaac

Maybe it's because it gives me hope that one day I will possess the skill and determination to keep one alive as well, but I love hearing about other people's misadventures in plant care. XD

I've been thinking about getting another orchid, even though I killed the last one I had. Maybe a little over-ambitious. But my grandma was a master at caring for them and when she passed, my mom had to race to figure out how to keep all of her orchids alive. There were probably a dozen or so that my grandma had just brought back to life again and again. So maybe I have it in me??

Sending good vibes to you and the pink stripey guy! I applaud your dedication. :)

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Thank you so much. Oh wow, a house full of orchids would be so pretty! You can do it, I believe in you!

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Jun 18Liked by Meaghan McIsaac

That's why I love cacti. It's hard to kill that little prickly plant.

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Ugh, thats brilliant. I should get cacti!

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The best plants are those who show they are thirsty, other wise I would not even remember to give them water 🤣 Fake plants for the win!

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Lol right? Why didn't it make a cry for help or something!?

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Jun 17Liked by Meaghan McIsaac

Don't you love it when well-meaning people give you new hobbies?

I'm still reading and working on the same crap because I have a "yard." After pulling up several bushels of dandelions, I've figured out the front is all tree roots, so hopefully I can just cover it with bark and call it done. I had to ask the master gardeners what the cherry laurels were, and if it was okay to whack them back. The weeds behind the fence are taller than people. They're also full of bees, yay!

Down on the corner, I have some wealthy and proper neighbors who hang potted plants and fake birdhouses on shepherd's hooks outside. Sometimes they take a walk down the alley, stand near the fence on the other side, and make comments. Screw 'em.

You might be amused to know this exists. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10676-024-09775-5

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Haha wait! What is this!?

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