I love the circus theme, but I'm afraid of clowns, so ... maybe that's not the best for me right now either.😳

And, of course, I adore your monsters - big or small.

I love images where women are partnering with the monsters to take down the real bad guys. I can't attach it here, but I'll tag you in a Note with one of my favorite old etchings of a woman and a dragon. Always makes me smile in a somewhat feral way. ;)

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Haha yeah no one wants to face down a clown right now! Thanks Jamie!

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I like how the girl on the roof and the dragon seem to be having a stare down contest. The expression on the dragon's face is so good!

I'm currently reading the 2025 Best of Pushcart anthology thing. OMG so many good stories.

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Thank you so much! Yeah, they are not friends but my money is on the girl coming out on top.

Oooooh I don't know the Pushcart anthology, I will look this up - thanks for the rec!

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It's all really hard right now. What keeps me, at least temporarily, sane is working in the studio and working in my garden. It's all very hard to cope. Art and courage. That's what we need right now.

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