It still feels silly to make stuff right now. To draw. To write. To daydream. But I promised myself, and you, dear reader, that I would try to focus - keep calm and carry on.
So to do that, to do something that was in keeping with how I’m feeling but also keeps me creative and drawing, I've tried to chose a theme for March (all of March? Some of March? Until the inspo is spent I suppose), and after days of deliberating, I decided on CIRCUS.
It made sense for obvious reasons, I should think. The more I prodded this theme to decide if it would work for me, the more I found myself really wanting to draw - the juggler, desperately trying to keep all the different balls in the air, the acrobat - contorting themselves in increasingly uncomfortable and difficult ways, the house of mirrors, where reality itself is twisted and distorted and demands you hang onto yourself if you want to come out the other side, the ring leader - barraging our senses with spectacle after spectacle and cackling as we grow increasingly disoriented.
But things are changing so fast, and what made sense to me last week doesn't make sense to me any more. What I felt then is different today, as I’m sure its shifting for you too. So suddenly, the circus characters weren’t fitting the bill for me. Instead of a circus, the images that keep coming into my head now, the stories and characters whispering in my mind, are consistently rampaging godzilla monster ideas. Everything feels just too big. The forces just too much. Making me feel pretty small and powerless in comparison. So I'm going with my feels and the theme for me for the next little bit is going to be giant monsters/kaiju.
I dunno. It just makes sense to me. *Shrug*
What are you working on these days?
No updates this week - still figuring things out as we get settled in our new routine. Hope to have some updates for you soon!
In the meantime - did you know I published a book last month?
Signs of Life by Sarah Pinsker (Novelette) - I subscribe to SFF magazine Uncanny and they just released their list of 2024 reader favourites so I thought I’d make my way through it! This novelette from Sarah Pinsker caught my eye because its all about creativity and positivity and that is exactly what I’d like right now!
And that’s it from me this week - keep drawing, keep writing, friends!
I love the circus theme, but I'm afraid of clowns, so ... maybe that's not the best for me right now either.😳
And, of course, I adore your monsters - big or small.
I love images where women are partnering with the monsters to take down the real bad guys. I can't attach it here, but I'll tag you in a Note with one of my favorite old etchings of a woman and a dragon. Always makes me smile in a somewhat feral way. ;)
I like how the girl on the roof and the dragon seem to be having a stare down contest. The expression on the dragon's face is so good!
I'm currently reading the 2025 Best of Pushcart anthology thing. OMG so many good stories.