Thank you for the mention Meaghan and I completely agree with you on the writing advice side of things. I love the abundance of info readily available these days, and like you, I will often find myself reading about the work rather than doing it (I actually have a half written post about this exact thing- lol) It is so true about different audiences. As a reader and a (kind of) writer, it helps me to remember that not every piece of advice is applicable to every person, which in turn frees me up to talk about things which feel natural and authentic to me, without worrying too much about how many people it will resonate with =)

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Thanks Caroline! That's just it - authenticity, the YOUNESS is what ultimately resonates!

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Thank you for this!! I think my brain was trying to articulate a similar sentiment the other day, but it didn't come together nearly as well as what you've written here. Even as someone who doesn't have a book project and is just writing here on Substack, I believe the same logic applies - what works for one Substack writer may not work for another. SO many differences in style and audience and intention. And that's a beautiful thing!

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1000% Substacks are a great example! The audiences are so varied, the INTENTIONS behind each substack is so different, the mission, the vision. There's probably a whole other post to be written about substack advice

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Oh! And campy movies - I also adore "Death Becomes Her." It's maybe only camp-adjacent, but I just took my parents, beau, and 20 yr-old daughter to see "Man & Witch" at the theater yesterday. It's a throwback to 80s fantasy films that is the brainchild of Tami Stronach (who played the Childlike Empress in "The NeverEnding Story") and her husband. It was delightful: https://manandwitch.com/

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OMG WHAT. The childlike empress has a movie about witches!??! This is has blown my mind, I can't believe I didn't know about this. I will definitely have to check this out. Thank you for sharing!

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I know, right?!? It was utterly charming, and had quite the cast. And the mini documentary that played before the film featured - among other tidbits - a brief interview with Renato Casaro, the legendary Italian artist who painted the movie poster for "The Neverending Story" and also "Man & Witch." His portfolio includes SO many amazing movie posters. His story was both heartwarming (he is clearly a master who loves his work), and a little heartbreaking (as he described that technology more or less put him out of business).

The movie won't replace any of my 80s fantasy film favorites, but I love that they made it, and I loved seeing it in the theater.

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I LOVE Death Becomes Her!! Meryl and Goldie are unbeatable. Also your thoughts on writing advice made me think of this from the amazing Chuck Wendig: https://terribleminds.com/ramble/2015/11/05/writing-advice-is-bullshit/

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UNBEATABLE. Also, HA! I am very stoked to be in the company of Chuck Wendig, though I would bet he writes about it more eloquently and with better swears than I

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Lol, all the swears…but you’re both eloquent ;)

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Jul 30Liked by Meaghan McIsaac

I haven't watch House Of Dragon because it's on HBO(I think?)

I want to watch it though!

I love writing advice too! I have a ton of posts about how to feel calm or something <3

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