Love love love this!!! Your sketches are so awesome Meaghan! I’m rubbish at ‘quick’ so my head is filled either way images that I want to draw, but so many never make it onto a page because I can’t seem to escape from ‘must make full picture and take a million years to finish’. Love your clockwork dragons and your little muse on your should and well all of it!! I capture all my errant thoughts on the Notes in my phone and then go back to them later to piece them into something (or not!) sometimes the magic is still there in the words, but sometimes it vanished, but that’s ok too ✨💛

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Ack! Thanks so much Emily! I am ALWAYS typing ideas into my phone - in gmail drafts which isn't the best idea because I've lost many that way - but I'm a big fan of using the phone. I wonder if there's any digital notebook type apps out there

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Watching your graphic shapes experiments really has me wanting to try this myself. As someone with fine motor skill issues, line work is always what stopped me from feeling like I could art before, and now I've found mental ways around that (ish) but trying it this way could be super fun!

Also yaaaay getting sucked into the voice and prose! Can't wait to hear more about this one :)

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Thanks so much Sarah! Definitely give it a try - I just make random shapes and assemble them like puzzle pieces. Its a lot of fun. I find the more imperfect the shape, the more interesting the final result!

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Sep 12Liked by Meaghan McIsaac

man, you're eyes in your work are just "mmmmwaaaph!" (that's a chef kiss sound) good

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bahaha this made me lol for real - thanks so much Thig! That means a lot coming from you!

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Sep 11Liked by Meaghan McIsaac

Loved this. Notebooks are so, so helpful. They give me peace of mind and a place to capture ideas. On another note. Do you know of a good resource (book) for learning how to make (simple) line drawings?

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Hmmm.....not sure if I know of any specific books but anything on gesture drawing goes a long way to capturing ideas quickly and simply!

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Sep 12Liked by Meaghan McIsaac

Thank you. I'll go look for books on gesture drawing and see what comes up.

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Sep 11Liked by Meaghan McIsaac

Hi Meaghan love this post! I am at the middle of finishing Room, by Emma Donoghue

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Liked by Meaghan McIsaac

Love your work! Chimp Crazy is absolutely crazy. I tell everyone about it. Loved Starless Sea too. I am always looking for books that will give me the experience of those two novels.

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Thank you so much! I loved The Starless Sea. Have you read Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik? Totally different type of story but very lush in it the way its written, like Starless Sea

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Oooh, no. Thanks for the recommendation.

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