I too am taking a break from writing & illustrating. I am listening to eBooks of my writing using ElevenReader to turn the text to audio. A restful episode with my eyes closed until an error shocks me into action! I scribble a note on a pad capturing the problem and then return to listen. What an amazing adventure to hear my story spoken by my characters.

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That sounds awesome! I don't know ElevenReader, I will have to look it up

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I love your theme for this month! Hope you have a fun Valentine's Day too Meaghan! <3

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Thank you!

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You’re welcome!

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Oooh loving bloody valentine! Got married on Valentine’s Day 23 years ago, surprised every year to make this latest anniversary without having turned into a real life version of your girl!! 🤣💛🩸

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LOL! this made my day - happy anniversary!

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Thank you 😁😍

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CONGRATULATIONS on your new book!!

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thank you lovely!

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We live in interesting times, take care of yourself. Loved Countdown. Good luck with the release.

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Aw, thank you so much! 🩷

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I'm writing when I can. I've got bigger things to worry about (waves hands around at everything) over coming up with new material. I am doing editing on my serialized Harold and Sallie stories because if I accomplish nothing else this year, I'd like to get them published in ebook and/or paperback.

Do what you can. Don't apologize. You're adoring fans ain't going anywhere. Besides, we're kinda all in this dumpsterfire boat together. Lots of hugs to you and your family.

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(Waves hand, snarls). We are, in it together. Thank you my friend, i needed this. Lots of hugs to you!

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